Login Issues

There are several common reasons why you may not be able to log in to the system:

1. You forgot your username or password.
    Please use the "Yes, help me log in" button on the login page to retrieve your username and/or reset your password.

2. You have been dropped from your school's user list for one of the following reasons:
    a. You selected a wrong school during the self-registration process.
    b. The school has terminated your access for some reason.
    Please contact your school administrator to request access to the system.

3. Your subscription may have expired (this applies only to student users).
    Please contact your school administrator to request access to the system.

4. You are trying to access the wrong program.
    Please click here to view the Artist Access home page. Ensure that you are selecting the icon that represents the program you are enrolled in, through your school.